Right, so I'm finally getting this underway, but I don't have anything particular to say right now, so I'll just let y'all know that I'm currently listening to David Bowie. He's wailing away about how we can be heroes, just for one day, and he sounds pretty damn good.
The idea here is that I'm good at writing, so I should be doing it for a living, or at least for the edification of myself and others. An interesting assertion, but the problem is that I've never had that burning need to write, which seems to be the hallmark of actual writers. What I do have is a facility with language and a certain knack for finding apt turns of phrase. I also have a burning need -- compulsion, really -- to edit, proofread, and analyze writing wherever I find it. Can't stop myself, and it's gotten me in trouble a few times, so I guess I'm a natural-born editor. I chose not to get a degree in English, Communications, or Journalism, however, so there seems to be fuck-all I can with my natural ability other than irritate people. Pity.
Bowie is now singing Fashion, which is not one of my favorites. Hold on a sec...OK, now I've got Under Pressure, which I love. Freddie Mercury was an amazing performer with a splendid voice, which blends very nicely with Bowie's.
Getting back to the reasons for this blog, I guess the main one is inherently selfish; I want to put my writing into the public sphere so that eventually I'll have enough built up that I can use it as a sort of portfolio when I ask someone to pay me to write. As previously mentioned, I don't have the kind of degree that leads obviously into a career in writing/editing/publishing/etc., so having something concrete to prove that I know what I'm doing seems like a good idea.
I haven't explored the features here yet, but I hope to be able to have categories: food & cooking, movies, books, social commentary, personal life observations, etc. I think I'll go have a look around now. See you later...
Excellent start, Em. I too have that need to edit, proofread and comment. It is hard for me to read the Dayton Daily News because I need to call them out on their numerous errors. Must be in My blood. Anyway...Go Girl!!!